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From version we have implemented a paid-for feature: Tutorials. If you donate $5.00 USD or above, we will supply you a zip file containing a bunch of HTML files. If you donate $15.00 USD or above, we will supply the tutorials as per the language of your choice.

Once you receive the zip file from us, just ensure that those HTML files in the zip file ends up in the sub-folder called tutorials You will find it in the bin sub-folder of the folder where you had installed TAD

For the Tutorials to work, you would need to switch on the localhost server. This feature can be switched on in the main Preferences (also called Settings) in TAD

In the default installation, there is just a simple message when you browse to the localhost server. You can try that here http://localhost:9600 (assuming that the localhost server started in TAD was on port 9600)

Press F1 inside the application to read context-sensitive help directly in the application itself
Last modified: le 2023/04/22 20:59