Deprecation Notice

We now have our teamTAD community at Discord now . Use this invitation link to join that community:

Earlier, we had a chat system runs off a dedicated server and it uses the powerful Mattermost chatting system. You can read how to use chat here but now that our community has grown large; our server is unable to handle the load. Hence we will switch off that system by October 31,2020

Instructions on how to use the older Mattermost based Chat system

How to use the TAD chat?

After you login into the chat system from any browser (Say Chrome), on the left of the chat system website, you will find a list of “Channels” (Architects may like to look at them as rooms). You can go inside each one and read whatever people left there. Also, you can also leave behind your writing for others to read. As it is dynamically updated, this would be like chatting – That means others in the same channel can see your posts dynamically. So can you

You would need to join the channel before you can use it.

IMPORTANT make sure that you join the TAD channel anyway. Because all the main discussions would happen there. This particular channel would also automagically get messages from various people TAD Designer – if they decide to post a bug/suggestion/issue/notice when working within TAD Designer. In fact, people can even post jobs and requests for helping out in their respective projects too

As mentioned earlier, you need to join the channel to chat there!

We would also be having some private channels. There will be one that would be used for some specialized discussions – such as TAD Developers. Those would be by invite only

Apart from all that, we would also form groups for a group of people to chat together. Moreover, each TAD user can chat with others privately

This website can be accessible from your browers in your phones too – It then acts quite a lot like a regular phone app – the UI is quite neat. In fact, you should bookmark this site on your phone, so that the bookmark appears on the main screen of your Android or iPhone. Read

Before I forget … there is a special Channel, called 'Town Square' which is a channel you get enrolled into anyway. That is the main place which serves as the entry point into the chatting

Please tell your friends to join TAD Chat at (This should also enroll the person directly into the TeamTAD team in that chat)

More details on how to use the Mattermost chat software that TAD Chat uses here

Press F1 inside the application to read context-sensitive help directly in the application itself
Last modified: le 2025/03/15 11:16