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 +===== The Architect =====
 +**The architect** is the center of all design activities on the TAD site. Hence, the architect is always visible on the site. The architect also helps retrieve information from your TAD model.
 +//**Fig.** The Architect//
 +**Visual Representation of the Architect**
 +The architect is essentially a point object at the top-left corner as displayed in the figure earlier. The remaining part of the visual representation is called the architect's **chair**.
 +The size of the architect's chair governs the movement of the architect on the site. The movement of the architect governs the design activity.
 +The architect is:
 +  * Always visible on the TAD site. If you shift your view outside the current location of the architect, the architect automatically places itself at the center of the new view.
 +  * A point placed on the top-left corner of the architect's chair. You can determine the size of the chair.
 +  * The object that governs the design activities that are executed on the site. The architect directs all the commands on the TAD site.
 +==== Architect Movements ====
 +You can move the architect on the TAD interface. Following are the various methods to move the architect:
 +  * **Moving the architect approximately**: Move the pointer over the architect. Press and drag the left mouse button to the place where you want to move the architect.
 +  * **Moving the architect precisely**: You can move the architect on measured distance using the following ways:
 +  - Enter the the distance of the architect from the X and Y co-ordinates in the command text edit box. For example, 5[Space]4 [Enter]. You must ensure to add a space between the X and Y co-ordinate values.
 +  - Enter the distance of the architect from the first helper in the command text edit box and press **Enter**. The architect moves  along the direction obtained by joining the architect with the first helper.
 +  - Enter distance from the first helper and angle from the horizontal anticlockwise direction in the command edit text box. For example, 5[Space]<45 [Enter]. In this example, 5 is the unit of distance from the first helper and 45 is the angle.
 +  * **Changing the step size of the architect**: You can move the architect based on the step size using the arrow keys.To change the step size of the architect, enter the step size in the command edit text box, and press Enter. You can re-size the architect by drawing a rectangle on the site using the mouse. Re-sizing the architect also changes the step size.

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Last modified: le 2023/04/22 20:59