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TAD Shapes

We have given a nifty feature from TAD version onwards, where one can easily pick up shapes from quite a lot of websites and application

The shapes can be defined pithily using a very simple syntax that can even be typed in text editors (if you want) One shape per line. Each line has to start with the equals-to sign (=) and followed by the name of the shape, and then a list of comma separated numbers within square brackets. These lines need to be copied to the system clipboard of your computer and then invoked from within TAD

Thus producing such shapes via websites and applications is quite easy. We have one default simple TAD Shape creator to begin with … soon more will be seen everywhere and such a feature can also be coded by software developers into their applications.

For details see here

Press F1 inside the application to read context-sensitive help directly in the application itself
Last modified: le 2023/04/22 20:59