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TAD to Haxe conversion

TAD from version 6.8 onwards has an excellent inbuilt Haxe code converter. This allows programmers to develop very rich applications OUTSIDE of the TAD software.

When you use the File|Export to Code… option, TAD will help you convert the entire TAD model you are working on into Haxe code. Moreover, it can carry out additional steps too using the Haxe compiler – such as directly producing the source code in several files.

When exporting in such a manner; all the object and class properties set with the GUI (Graphic User Interface) of TAD would be directly converted. If you happened to give some additional ARDELA code to enrich your data further in the ARDELA editor of the class or object; those will NOT get exported.

However if you use those ARDELA editors to insert a special comment of this format into that ARDELA editors; then that would be treated as additional Haxe code; and would be exported into the correct location of the generated Haxe source code file. Note that TAD gives you three different ARDELA editors: One for the inheritable ARDELA section of the class, then there is one for the non-inheritable ARDELA section and thirdly there is one for the objects own self-code. The following syntax can be used in any of these editors.

     //This line would be exported to the generated Haxe code

Why such a route?\

What happens to ARDELA?\ Note that the inbuilt ARDELA scripting is also available. ARDELA is useful when you dont want to share the data of your model to anyone else. So when you are very strict about the privacy of your data; then you would use the internal ARDELA scripts. At some point we will release an ARDELA compiler. That would help people develop ARDELA add-ons that can be plugged into the TAD environment itself.

Press F1 inside the application to read context-sensitive help directly in the application itself
Last modified: le 2023/04/22 20:59