Why did we shift?
The number of TAD community members are now quite large! It is difficult for us to manage the earlier server. Hence we thought it is best that we move the server to Discord; as it is free and can handle extremely large communities.
Read about Discord here. If you are not yet a member there, it is free to become a member of Discord. Not only would you be in the TAD community (teamTAD) there but you can join other communities too. For some reason, they use the term “server” liberally when they really mean “community”… (hmm… they also use the term “guild” which confuses people even more)
The current invitation link to join our teamTAD community at Discord is https://tiny.cc/ttad (This link may get expired. In which case, let us know and we will proved you the correct one)
But why do insist on this, you may be wondering. Read the full answer here
How do we authenticate using Discord?
We have a separate page that explains just that! It is quite easy.
What happens if a user has BOTH the discord access as well as the older Mattermost TAD chat access?
No issues. The user can use either to login into TAD. However, note that the internal ID that TAD creates would be different, so the DRM (Digital Rights Management) that is used for either of them would be different, and so binary TAD files produced using one ID would not open under the other ID. All you need to do is to export the file as ASCII – which removes the DRM
Important: Do NOT change your username
TAD internally uses the username you provide as means to protect your data. Though Discord allows you to change your username, it is critical that you do NOT change the username! Because if you do so; then the next time your Discord username is called for, the authentication system may break as it had the earlier username.