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About TAD Community

Deprecation Notice

We now have our teamTAD community at Discord now . Use this invitation link to join that community:

Earlier, we had a chat system runs off a dedicated server and it uses the powerful Mattermost chatting system. You can read how to use chat here but now that our community has grown large; our server is unable to handle the load. Hence we will switch off that system by October 31,2020

Instructions For users earlier to July 28, 2020

The TAD Chat works on the open-source Mattermost chatting software. You need to register as a user in this chat software to use TAD Designer Lite and several other components of TAD.

(You may have come to this page when you clicked on the 'About' menu at the bottom of the registration page of the chat)

Once you register at this chat, you can use the same credentials to authenticate your copy of TAD Designer Lite and other components of TAD

Press F1 inside the application to read context-sensitive help directly in the application itself
Last modified: le 2023/04/22 20:59