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the_snap_movements_bar [2014/09/23 11:00] arun
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 +===== The Snap Movements Bar =====
 +{{:sn1.jpg?100|}} - Click here to snap the architect to the position of the first helper.
 +{{:sn2.jpg?100|}} - Click here to snap the architect to the position of the second helper.
 +{{:sn3.jpg?100|}} - Click here to snap the architect from its current position to a point that is perpendicular to the current edge.
 +{{:sn4.jpg?100|}} - 
 +Click here to snap the architect to its nearest vertex/ intersection point. The point has to lie within the square of the architect.
 +(In case of snapping to the intersection point, the helpers have to be on one of the two intersecting edges)

Press F1 inside the application to read context-sensitive help directly in the application itself
Last modified: le 2023/04/22 20:59