Customizing the Tips file

The “Tip of the Day” dialog that is displayed when TAD starts is quite powerful! They are stored in a simple text file called “tadtips.txt”. This file is seen in the same folder where the executable of TAD Designer Lite (a file named “tadDesignerLite.exe” is kept) Look inside the bin folder which is inside the folder where TAD Designer Lite was installed.

This is the way it is formatted

The Quick Brown Fox ///Always jumps over the lazy dog\n\nIsn't that nice? 

You can refer to the current tips file to see how it was formatted.

Once you understand how to the tips file was formatted; you can edit it and create your OWN set of tips that is specially tailormade for your own office. Just replace the contents! But you MUST use a text editor such as Notepad++ or Notetab or VSCode to edit the tips.

Usually, writing a good tip file would take few attempts. You need to keep saving the file; and then keep opening the Tips dialog to see how it looks. Once you are happy, you can then distribute those tips to your entire staff.

Tell you what? If you think you can contribute to the tips we gave; please write to us at our TAD community and we will examine your suggestion, and add your tip too!


  1. Do NOT use any rich editor such as Word or Wordpad to create the tips file. The tips file MUST be pure ASCII
  2. Tell your staff NOT to press the “Fetch” button – that will overwrite the tips file. (So do keep a backup, else your hard work may get lost!)