Once you install TAD on your computer; the installer would automatically also install special links that may be present in some web pages. These special hyperlinks can be understood by opening the file 'tadprotocol.html' that is in the main folder of your installed TAD directory

Note that it is critical that you run the installer for these special hyperlinks to work

This is very useful to write documentation on websites that can directly refer to the objects and/or the file and/or your TAD installation. For example; if you want to describe, using text, each architectural element in your project – you can do so in a website and then insert special TAD hyperlinks to actually go to those architectural elements directly in the TAD file itself

You want an example here? Fine. Click on the following links. But make sure that TAD is open and running inside your computer


(Note only the files in the TADSamples folder can be opened using such links)

Double click on the tadprotocol.html file from the directory where TAD was installed and try the links there! View the HTML source of that file to see how that was written

See some more info for this here