The Players
The helpers - There are two non interchangeable helpers on site. We distinguish between them as the first helper and second helper. The first helper is indicated by a red rounded square and the second helper is indicated by a blue circle. They are always found together, sitting on two sequential corners of some object on the site.
The helpers are always present, sitting on the corners of an object somewhere on the site. This effectively means there has to be at least one object somewhere on the site. The object on which they are sitting is called the current object.
Due to this logic, the current object cannot be deleted or hidden. The helpers must be shifted to some other object before deleting the erstwhile current object.
This image currently shows the default template of TAD. The location of the helpers indicate that the object 'chajja' has been selected.
The Architect - The architect is indicated by this icon - . The top left corner is the point of reference.
The architect unlike the helpers is not tied to any object, and can freely move around anywhere on the site that is visible on the computer screen. If you enter some commands that would shift the view entirely, the architect will automatically shift itself to the center of the new view accompanied by two short beeps.