SFA Taxonomy

Taxonomy means a classification system. SFA stands for Sabu Francis and Associates, the architectural practice which discovered and used this taxonomy in all their projects.

The SFA Taxonomy is based on the fractal theories in geometry. According to the fractal theory, all the volumes in architecture designs can be represented by either solids or spaces.

In TAD, objects are classified in the following types:

You may wonder where the walls are represented here. Well, by and large; walls are a bye-product of the fact that we classify spaces into atoms, envelopes and connectors. When you place spatial objects as per the aforesaid taxonomy, the 3D CSG (boolean) operations of subtracting the atoms and connectors from the envelopes would yield the walls

Of course, I am referring here to the scale of a building here. What I should have mentioned is that the boolean operation yields the left-over (that is the correct technical term we use) which stand for the built-matter after the boolean operation is done. So to give an example at another scale; say you are designing a table; then this boolean operation would yield the amount of wood i.e. the material that would go to make the table.

You may have guessed that in TAD we largely invert the CAD process. In CAD one largely talks of the edges of solid matter. But in TAD we often represent spaces; and the solid matter emerges as a bye-product of having placed the spatial elements of atoms, connectors into envelopes.

Note: In TAD, objects are assigned their category in this taxonomy via isKindOf option in the Site Info Pane.