Future Directions for TAD

The author of TAD; Sabu Francis, is committed to convert this project as an open-source one.

One of the reasons why TAD has been unable to move to an open-source development route is because of ARDELA. This powerful scripting system is intricately tied up with the compiler used for TAD which is Visual Prolog 5.2 This compiler is not available freely (i.e. you need to purchase it) Hence it cant be used to develop open source applications as other contributors may find it difficult to locate that. TAD also uses Delphi Professional 5.0 for the GUI – that part of the code can be ported using some other RAD (Possibly the excellent Lazarus project)

So currently (June 2020) a lot of debates and thinking are going on whether to discontinue the current form of ARDELA, once we get into the open-source version of TAD. As ARDELA is based on Prolog; it is an amazingly powerful AI language – so discarding it is not very easy in TAD